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How do I change PTP 820G from E1 to T1? - Knowledgebase / Wireless Communications / Cambium Networks - CTSi Group - Helpdesk

How do I change PTP 820G from E1 to T1?

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When PTP 820Gs are happily delivered to you, fresh out of the box, they are configured for E1s, NOT T1s.


If you need to use T1s, you need to configure your PTP 820G from ETSI to ANSI.


DO THIS FIRST, before you configure the radio parameters or Ethernet services, since changing from ETSI to ASNI will set your PTP 820G to factory default.


Telnet into your PTP 820G.


Type the following at the command line:

root> platform management show tdm-interfaces-standard


Then type this command to change from ETSI to ANSI:

root> platform management set tdm-interfaces-standard ansi


Type “yes” when it asks you, “Are you sure?”


After you type “yes”, the system will reboot. You can telnet into the PTP 820G again, and verify that the change has been made.



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